
How Do I Keep My Car Safe From Thieves If I Leave It Running

With warmer weather condition rolling in, we are all eager to go exterior- spending more than time outdoors and on the road. As beautiful as British Columbia is, information technology is ranked #3 in Canada for auto theft.

There are many reasons why individuals determine to steal cars. Information technology may be to resell them higher up market place value, to resell spare parts, or simply to become somewhere! A recent study reports that 2006 Ford F350'due south were the most stolen cars in British Columbia in 2022.

Let's look at Harbord's top safe tips to proceed yous and your vehicle safe.

1. Don't leave valuables in your auto.

This might seem obvious, only in recent news, there has been a drastic spike in vehicle break-ins in BC when valuables have been left in plain sight. Ever remove any valuables from your car, even if you are apace running inside. This includes electronics, purses, wallets, clothing, sunglasses, and even your garage door opener! It tin be easy to forget, but leaving your garage door opener gives thieves access to your dwelling and they tin can easily bank check where y'all live past looking at your ICBC papers. This could also be a hassle when claiming against your business firm insurance. They but walked in the door using YOUR garage door opener. Consider that! At a bare minimum, just don't leave anything in view. Thieves are opportunists and are looking for a quick catch. Don't leave anything in plain sight and yous'll go along most of them running along.

car thieves and leaving valuables in the car

two. Roll up your windows

We know it tin can be tempting to go out your windows down during the hot summer weather, but even leaving your windows slightly cracked tin leave your vehicle vulnerable to machine theft. A car thief tin can easily attain into your window through a small cleft, gaining full access to your vehicle and the contents within it.

3. Be enlightened of your surroundings

Be mindful of where you lot park your auto. If possible, park in well-lit areas with surveillance systems or video cameras nearby. Even better, park your vehicle in a well-lit garage. Trust your gut! If you ever accept a bad feeling nigh your parking spot, always move your car.

4. Never leave your vehicle running

Never leave your vehicle running and unattended. Automobile theft is typically a criminal offense of opportunity. Even if y'all are chop-chop running into your home or into a store, always remove the keys from the ignition and lock your car backside you. This is too just terrible for the environment so information technology'south just a lousy thing to exercise all around.

car thefts and risks of leaving the car running

5. Frequently change your primal trick battery.

Always ensure that you have a working battery in your car keys. When the battery dies, we often don't find that our car is not locking properly behind us. Oh, and this should as well be considered, never leave a spare key in your glove box or anywhere else in your vehicle.

6. Install a Vehicle Immobilizer Organization

A vehicle immobilizer system is a state-of-the-art anti-theft device that is fitted to your vehicle. It makes a vehicle well-nigh incommunicable to steal, preventing the vehicle from being hot wired. Non only do they keep your vehicle safe- they often lower your car insurance costs.

vii. Know your license plate and VIN number (Vehicle Information Number)

If your machine is stolen, you will need your license plate and VIN number immediately attainable to notify the law. Nosotros recommended memorizing this information or putting a note on your phone so that information technology is hands accessible.

Get Free & Quick Car Insurance Quotes

Vehicle theft is preventable. The more than security features and precautions you take, the less probable your vehicle will be targeted. Most stolen vehicles are never recovered and information technology'due south of import that you and your vehicle are covered in case of theft or break-in.

Give our Harbord Motorcar Insurance squad a phone call if you have any questions about car insurance coverage. We are happy to provide y'all with free insurance quotes to ensure that you are covered.

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How Do I Keep My Car Safe From Thieves If I Leave It Running,


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